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Led by founder Katie Mask, Swan Haus provides interior designers with elevated, strong, strategic brands so they can joyfully & efficiently build a lasting legacy.
So you’re on the journey to rebrand, right? Chances are, if you’re on this page, you’re a business owner that is seeking to up-level your brand and business. Maybe you know it’s time to raise prices, maybe your experience has outgrown your brand, or maybe your ideal client has changed. Whether one or all of these are true, rebranding can likely help. And when it comes to a luxury logo, there are a few things that will make a huge difference in your brand’s success.
So how do we define luxury? For now, we’ll define a luxury brand as one whose clients…
Today I’m sharing my top tips for creating brand visuals that can attract and retain these more affluent clients.
My absolute #1 piece of advice when it comes to creating a luxury logo is KEEP. IT. SIMPLE. I can’t tell you how often clients will try to include anything and everything in their logo. For some reason, when someone hires a designer, they think that the logo needs to be extremely intricate, clever, or all-encompassing. And yet, if you look at the most successful companies’ logos, you’ll see the very opposite –
Apple. Nike. Chanel. Netflix. Disney.
But don’t just take my word for it, let’s hear from some of the greats –
“Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.” – Coco Chanel
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo Di Vinci
“A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery
“That’s been one of my mantras – focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex…” – Steve Jobs
When you’re seeking to elevate your brand into luxury status, remember to keep it simple.
It’s a common mistake to create a brand focused on your individual interests. I know because I’ve been there before. Especially when you’re starting out, your own style and aesthetic might be all you have to go off of. And this can actually work for a while.
However, when upgrading to a luxury brand, it’s imperative to design with your ideal client in mind. This, of course, starts with knowing your ideal client backwards and forwards. Once you’ve defined them, make sure everything comes back to THEM. What do they want to feel when they interact with their ideal brand? What colors would they be drawn to? What kind of websites do they love browsing? What brands do they buy from? Although you may have a similar taste and style as your ideal client, make it a rule that when it comes to business and branding, your ideal client’s tastes, needs, wants, and preferences will always come first. Don’t worry, in the end, this leads to more success for you!
Excellent branding is timeless branding. A logo with a long shelf-life promotes trust, consistency, stability, and legacy. A constantly changing logo can make your business look flighty, unreliable, inexperienced, unsure, or directionless. Completely changing your logo every year or two isn’t a great look for your business, so don’t get caught up in the latest trends or newest fonts.
“But Katie, you need to follow the trends to stay relevant!” I get this, and I totally agree. However, there are many ways to be on top of the trends, and your logo is not one of them. Choosing a logo that is too trendy will often just mean that you’ll need a new one sooner. (Meaning more time and more money for you).
Instead, find your brand’s personality and stay true to it. Know who you are, who you serve, and own it. This will help you create a unique, timeless, luxury logo. Authenticity and individuality trumps trendiness every day of the week.
Once you’ve created your new luxury logo and brand suite, make sure your client experience is set to match. Having a luxury brand often means higher pricing and higher service. This means providing an amazing customer experience from the very beginning to the very end of their time with you.
The last thing you want is for your ideal client to love your branding, adore your website, and then have a bad experience working with you. Since personal referrals are such a huge business builder, this can be a big hit to your business. Make sure you’re prepared and willing to serve your new clients to the best of your ability. Give them an experience even more beautiful that your brand visuals.
Need help creating the luxury brand of your dreams? Contact me today and let’s get to work!
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